What does “420 friendly” mean? It’s a question I see being asked a lot on various social networking forums. It basically means that you don’t smoke marijuana, and that you don’t encourage others to do so. In a way, it’s a form of non-smoking awareness.

However, the definition of “420 friendly” has morphed: over the years into a more generic description of being a cannabis enthusiast. The original meaning was to simply be aware of the cannabis plant. Now, the term is used to describe anyone who doesn’t smoke marijuana but nevertheless likes to share cannabis accessories, especially if the gathering involved any sort of social activity. The term has been expanding to include all those who are opposed to prohibition, using the term “420 friendly” to describe their position.

What does this mean for smokers? On one hand, you can’t call yourself a “420” kind of guy unless you also don’t smoke weed. That would be just silly. On the other hand, if you want to go out to a party, but you want to keep things relaxed, then maybe it’s time to consider the possibility that you might dabble in a little bit of pot. At the very least, some pot smokers do not smoke everything they get, and that’s perfectly fine.

If you happen to be a stoner: you’re not going to want to hang out at any of the pot clubs, unless there happens to be one open stoner bar in your neighborhood. These places cater to the social networking aspect of the club but also serve alcohol, which makes for a complete bore. At a friendly bar, you’ll get to talk to other stoners about everything from which bud to buy most often to the kinds of pipes that work the best. You might even wind up learning something new about pot itself!

Another way to describe: what does 420 friendly mean is that it’s a comfortable place to smoke if you happen to be a smoker, although not necessarily the type of friendliest you can be around. Some places are too casual, with people smoking by the fire or doing shots while chatting with others. In these types of places, being a “ciggler” or a “weedhead” is almost guaranteed to make someone feel slightly alienated or discriminated against. So, if you’re planning on lighting up anywhere where people are gathered, consider whether or not the atmosphere is one that will allow you to be yourself without having to worry about offending anyone.

One final explanation: of what does “420 friendly” means is that it simply refers to a style of clothing. While there are plenty of articles on men’s fashion and women’s fashion, you won’t find any mention of what does “420” refer to – at least not yet. Until then, you can browse through an extensive selection of clothing for those who love the style and are into stonework and other items that are related to pottery.

There are also some really cool pictures of weed-smoking men and women that you can enjoy looking at.