How to ask a guy out is a lot different than it used to be. Now, it is more of a gamemanship element to the entire relationship. Not long ago, a girl would casually ask her guy if he had a favorite place to go on a date, now they are out looking for all the right places! How to ask a guy out is more about being yourself and coming across as an individual.
So, how to ask a guy out? You have to make sure that he wants to meet you: Take note of guys who come up to you first, these guys say yes almost all the time. So, what do you need to do next? Once you’ve ascertained that he does want to see you, then you can make a move towards asking him out.
One of the best methods of how to ask a guy out is by texting him: Texting guys is a powerful method because it gives you access to his thoughts at any given moment. Once you’ve learned how to send a message and get a response, you can then use this knowledge to bring up more topics or even find out more information about him. Here’s the right way to text a guy:
Want to: The word “want to” means “your own self” in English: When asking a guy out, using the word wan na shows that you value yourself so much that you would protect your own self first. This is a really good way of asking a guy out because most guys will automatically respect your decision to protect yourself.
Ask: If you are used to asking: then you are familiar with the “who, what, when, where, how and why.” The only difference between asking and texting guys is that asking will actually get you results. However, texting guys won’t offer much in terms of results. So, it all boils down to what you are expecting from the relationship.
There are many other tips: on how to ask a guy out but in the end, these are the ones that work. In my experience, most women who successfully date guys use the above four methods. It is important for you to remember that guys don’t like to talk about themselves too much.
So, when you are using these techniques on a guy, you should be patient.