What does a green heart mean? It is an alternative spelling of “Holistic Counselor” which is a trademark of Starwood Therapy, LLC. Starwood is a company that specializes in Holistic Health, Inc., a system for “holistic healing”. In their trademark, they include a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “I have a dream”. This is in reference to the “I have a dream” quote that he gave in 1960 while he was waiting for the passage of civil rights legislation.
The Green Heart Emojis as used on MySpace and other online sites: The Green Heart is described as a symbol that represents the warrior or protector. In English it is often substituted for the rose. The meaning of this color is: The Emotional Freedom.
A few other versions: of “I have a dream” are “I have a hanker for love”, “I have one last wish” and “I have nothing to live for”. In these latter two quotes, the emphasis is placed more on the last word – “live” – which sheds more light on the symbolism of “I have a dream”. In the first quote, the emphasis is placed on “live”, whereas in the second, the emphasis is on “have”. In order for this to make sense, you must understand that in both quotes, the last word in each quote is singular. In essence, they mean the same thing, but in slightly different ways.
Are there different forms of “love”? For those that do not know, love is a general term that can be used to describe various types of relationships. Love is also commonly used to explain the feeling that a person gets when they are loved. If you are feeling lost, lonely and scared in the place of your life, then you probably are “in love”. There are countless relationships out there, all of which could be described as “loving relationships”.
To answer the question of what does a green heart symbolize: it would be necessary to take into consideration what types of emotions or feelings come to mind when you think of “green”. Most people probably think of “compassion” and happiness. In most cases, the color green goes hand-in-hand with these particular feelings. Many times, a green heart symbolizes health and a “well” being, which could help someone to feel better and achieve their goals.
It is unfortunate that this type of heart symbol: does not speak more to those that actually suffer from cancer or any terminal disease. Most people that suffer from these types of diseases are made to feel as if they do not deserve to be happy, and most times, they are made to feel that they do not matter because they have so many ailments. In actuality, anyone who has heart disease, whether they are a patient in a doctor’s office or in an ambulance on the road to recovery are just as worthy of happiness as anyone else.
Hopefully, time will continue to move forward and we can start to address the issue of what does a green heart symbolize and how it relates to those with heart disease.